The volume summarizes the results of more than one hundred years of archaeological investigations in the surroundings of the fortified area of the early medieval hillfort at Libice nad Cidlinou. An overview of the key find contexts and finds important for the development of the site is presented. According to archaeological analysis and environmental reconstruction aided by palaeobotanical investigations, areas important for the economy of the early medieval centre were defined, and the relationship to its hinterland studied. Inhalt: 1. Introduction – 2. Archaeological research of the Libice agglomeration – 3. Archaeological Map of the Libice Agglomeration- 4. Libice and its Natural Environment – 5. Basic chronology of Libice agglomeration – 6. Settlement outside the Fortified Area – 7. Cemeteries – 8. Cemeteries of the Libice Agglomeration / Comparison – 9. Social topographie of the Libice Agglomeration – 10. Hinterland of the Libice Agglomeration -11. Conclusions – 12. Written Sources and Bibliography – 13. Index – Summary in English – Tables
Libická sídelní aglomerace a její zázemí v raném stredoveku. Early Medieval Agglomeration of Libice and its Hinterland
25,00 €
Gewicht | 750 g |
Bestellnr | 6-11-07 |
Produktgruppe | Verkaufsprogramm |
Reihe | Tschechische Literatur |
Hauptgruppe | Dissertationes Archaeologicae Brunenses / Pragensesque |
Untergruppe | |
ISBN | |
KurzbezTitel | Libická sídelní aglomerace a její zázemí v raném stredoveku. Early Medieval Agglomeration of Libice and its Hinterland |
Autor | Marík, Jan |
Erscheinungsjahr | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta – Archeologický ústav AV CR, Praha, v. v. i. 2009 |
TechnischeAbgaben | 283 pp. with figs. and pls., Czech with English summary |
Inhalt | The volume summarizes the results of more than one hundred years of archaeological investigations in the surroundings of the fortified area of the early medieval hillfort at Libice nad Cidlinou. An overview of the key find contexts and finds important for the development of the site is presented. According to archaeological analysis and environmental reconstruction aided by palaeobotanical investigations, areas important for the economy of the early medieval centre were defined, and the relationship to its hinterland studied. Inhalt: 1. Introduction – 2. Archaeological research of the Libice agglomeration – 3. Archaeological Map of the Libice Agglomeration- 4. Libice and its Natural Environment – 5. Basic chronology of Libice agglomeration – 6. Settlement outside the Fortified Area – 7. Cemeteries – 8. Cemeteries of the Libice Agglomeration / Comparison – 9. Social topographie of the Libice Agglomeration – 10. Hinterland of the Libice Agglomeration -11. Conclusions – 12. Written Sources and Bibliography – 13. Index – Summary in English – Tables |
Besonderheiten |