The Project „Vegetation Continuity and Landscape Dynamics – The Present and the Historical Causes of the Diversity Focus in a Region of Fluctuating Colonization“ —– Glossed collection of photographs and graphics illustrating the boreal forest landscape of northern Bohemia. —— The subtitle of the publication – Study map – is intended to revive a forgotten genre practiced among the members of the photographic societies at the turn of 19th and 20th century. Called firstly the Tour and latter the Study Map, this genre consisted of thematically defined collections of photographs which combined aesthetic and scientific functions. For its creators it preserved a memory of the tour undertaken, for the others it provided at the same time an interesting piece of art and also a source of practical instructions on what to see and what to avoid in the given region. The subtitle suggests that the publication is not an exhibition catalogue; hence, the presented photographs do not correspond to the content of either of the eponymous exhibitors. Rather their selection is the result of feedback mapping of our field work, in the same way as the study maps of that time were records of trips undertaken. However, the subtitle may also be understood verbatim, since this publication is the outcome of the studies and intended for them. In addition, the work with maps was among the fundamental methods of taiga exploration.
Tajga bezdìzskaja. Studijní Mapa
4,50 €
Gewicht | 750 g |
Bestellnr | 6-8-39 |
Produktgruppe | Verkaufsprogramm |
Reihe | Tschechische Literatur |
Hauptgruppe | Einzeltitel |
Untergruppe | Einzeltitel |
ISBN | |
KurzbezTitel | Tajga bezdìzskaja. Studijní Mapa |
Autor | Sádlo, Jiøí – Meduna, Petr – Pokorný, Petr – Daòhel Jan |
Erscheinungsjahr | Praha 2011 |
TechnischeAbgaben | 34 S., Bildband SW, zweisprachig Tschechisch und Englisch, 23, 5 x 16, 5 cm, Broschur |
Inhalt | The Project „Vegetation Continuity and Landscape Dynamics – The Present and the Historical Causes of the Diversity Focus in a Region of Fluctuating Colonization“ —– Glossed collection of photographs and graphics illustrating the boreal forest landscape of northern Bohemia. —— The subtitle of the publication – Study map – is intended to revive a forgotten genre practiced among the members of the photographic societies at the turn of 19th and 20th century. Called firstly the Tour and latter the Study Map, this genre consisted of thematically defined collections of photographs which combined aesthetic and scientific functions. For its creators it preserved a memory of the tour undertaken, for the others it provided at the same time an interesting piece of art and also a source of practical instructions on what to see and what to avoid in the given region. The subtitle suggests that the publication is not an exhibition catalogue; hence, the presented photographs do not correspond to the content of either of the eponymous exhibitors. Rather their selection is the result of feedback mapping of our field work, in the same way as the study maps of that time were records of trips undertaken. However, the subtitle may also be understood verbatim, since this publication is the outcome of the studies and intended for them. In addition, the work with maps was among the fundamental methods of taiga exploration. |
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